How to connect 2 Heater wires with only 1 terminal block slot?

After many toughts I am wiling to go a different way.
I do not want to mix the AC from the HestiaPi power supply and the furnace.

So my plan is:

  • Remove the transformer
  • Use my own USB power supply
  • Solder my USB power supply to the original transformer output location
  • At this stage the L and N tracks are unused
  • Connect my furnace 2 command wires to H and L

Do you think this would work ?

And a last question:
From a previous post:
Something puzzles me:

I’ve cut the AC/5V track near the logo to get a 5V switched signal on the H terminal.

What is this AC/5V track ?
Why are the 220V AC and 5V DC tracks so close ?
Are they actually touching ?
If yes, what is the purpose ?
If not, why would someone cut this ?

Edit: No need to solder the USB power supply. It can be connected to the accessible USB connector (the one that is NOT labelled Power).