I ordered my hestiapi 1 october 2019, it arrived june 9 2020.
It is summer here in Canada so my window A/C is doing all the work and my furnace and defective heat pump are offline. I just now unpacked the hestiapi and I will give my initial impression and figure out the first step of installation.
I paid 160$USD + 10$USD shipping (170$usd = 231.46$cad), on arrival I had to pay 11.15 + 22.25 sales tax and 9.95$
Making my current total 274$CAD
For comparison my purchased used Honeywell Lyric T5 cost 100$cad, a new one from amazon would cost 175 + 15% tax and a Google nest thermostat would be 286.29$cad with tax & shipping
Thermostat was received well packaged in bubble wrap and no damage on the box
This is what the front looks like
There’s a problem with the screenholder
The wiring headers are not labelled
This is my existing wall bracket. I will need to make an adapter before I can use the HestiaPi, I will only install it if I can quickly swap back and forth with my lyric t5 in case the hestiapi fails
Ah there are labels for the pins after all
So I checked and I measured 27VAC between my C and R wire so I will give it a try
It powers up but does not boot, waited about 15 minutes but the white screen never showed anything tlse.
So initial impression are
The case isn’t too good, disappointed by the broken tab as received. I wonder how durable this plastic will be long term.
For the price I am already at the high end of a professional unit. I hope it works without too much more hassle then it will be great price mostly for financing the software development itself.
I don’t like the resistive touchscreen, reminds me of cell phones from 15 years ago (and the 15000$ unreliable xerox photocopier the company I work for bought last year !)
I’ll come back tomorrow and try to get the hestiapi going. I suspect the microsd card is not all the way in maybe ? Hopefully it is something minor like that !