New HestiaPi unit received and initial impressions

We understand your first impression isn’t great. Let us explain a few things…

See here.
Keep that in mind while you are there. Try pressing the LCD further in and restarting (LCD is not plug-and-play - if you remove it while powered you would need to restart after re-inserting)

If you cannot see from the side the green LED on the actual Pi board blinking like crazy for at least 1-2 minutes it surely isn’t booting.
You can try reflowing the solder points if the above doesn’t work.

Regarding the price, we would like to be able to sell it cheaper but as the units are hand-made with really low volume (anything below 10k is low volume when it comes to mass production) the price can’t go much lower while paying CrowdSupply, tax, bank fees, transportation and much more.
Price isn’t always a single metric we can compare things apart.

Regarding delivery delay… CrowdSupply really let us down there (they had all units since 11 Dec 2019) and with the combined mess of Covid it went really bad.

Let us know how it goes…