[SOLVED] Forum emails marked as spam

Hey @gwmngilfen, could you please check if there is anything to be done to avoid forum’s emails marked as spam? A friend tried to register and got both the activation and the resent activation marked as spam on his gmail account. He noticed that they start with a double square bracket [[ and he suspects that. Any ideas?

Hmm, interesting. DKIM and SPF are correctly set up and validated, which is the main defense here. I’m not getting spam marks in my GMail, so something is odd

Emails should start with a single bracket, here’s a sample from my inbox:

Delivered-To: <redacted>
Received-SPF: pass
Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=pass
 header.i=@community.hestiapi.com; spf=pass
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 10:52:47 +0000
From: HestiaPi <noreply@community.hestiapi.com>
Reply-To: HestiaPi <noreply@community.hestiapi.com>
To: <redacted>
Message-ID: <topic/63@community.hestiapi.com>
Subject: [HestiaPi] [Site Feedback] Forum emails marked as spam

I just created a new test account though, and I can confirm it doubles the brackets there:

Subject: [[HestiaPi]] Confirm your new account

So something is up in that templating, I’ll take a look. However, it wasn’t sent to spam for me. I wonder if GMail is being more strict for your friend, for some reason.

OK, I’ve tweaked the email_prefix setting in the admin pages, let’s see if that helps