Stuck in a Loading Loop

I was able to reproduce and then resolve the issue you faced with the v1.4 image. Use a faster SD card. I switched from a generic to a name brand and the same image went from never getting past the loading screen to booting without any problem with the exact same software image.

So I should have listened to @ed1023 when they posted about using a fast SD card. I had been using SD cards that I had lying around up until recently and apparently they were all fast ones.

I tried to save money with the new batch of SD cards that I ordered so I can try to get the price of the assembled units down. Apparently that was not a good plan because now I have a bunch of SD cards that can not be used in the HestiaPi.

If you bought the SD card from me, reach out to me on Tindie’s website and I can can give you a partial refund for the SD card.