Unable to install additional addons

Using current 1.4dev image, openhab cannot install additional addons.

2024-11-04 21:58:51.901 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-transformation-jsonpath': Error:
	Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.addons.bundles/org.openhab.transform.map/[2.5.0,2.6)

Indeed I experienced the same in a recent installation. Need to look into it…

I followed a suggestion in this post to download the openHAB2-addons.kar file and install it in the addons folder but that did not help.

The version of OH HestiaPi runs is 2.4 IIRC.

When JFrog shutdown the Bintray service years ago the OH project lost the host for all the artifacts hosted prior to OH 2.5.12.

The files can be found in some archives though. You can find the 2.4 file at Central Repository: org/openhab/distro/openhab-addons/2.4.0

This is on OH 2.5.12 not 2.4

Here is the solution to resolve this problem.

Modify the addons file. If there are any extra addons that you installed through the web make sure you add them to this file or they will get removed. After the addons file has been modified install the openhab2-addons. Make sure you reboot after the addons are installed.

sudo nano /etc/openhab2/services/addons.cfg

# Note: This is only regarded at the VERY FIRST START of openHAB
# Note: If you want to specify your add-ons yourself through entries below, set the package to "minimal"
# as otherwise your definition might be in conflict with what the installation package defines.
# Optional. If not set, the dashboard (https://<yourserver>:8080/) will ask you to choose a package.
# Valid options:
#   - minimal  : Installation only with dashboard, but no UIs or other add-ons. Use this for custom setups.
#   - simple   : Setup for using openHAB purely through UIs - you need to expect MANY constraints in functionality!
#   - standard : Default setup for normal users, best for textual setup
#   - expert   : Setup for expert users, especially for people migrating from openHAB 1.x
#   - demo     : A demo setup which includes UIs, a few bindings, config files etc.
# See https://www.openhab.org/docs/configuration/packages.html for a detailed explanation of these packages.
#package = minimal

# Access Remote Add-on Repository
# Defines whether the remote openHAB add-on repository should be used for browsing and installing add-ons.
# This not only makes latest snapshots of add-ons available, it is also required for the installation of
# any legacy 1.x add-on. (default is true)
remote = false

# Include legacy 1.x bindings. If set to true, it also allows the installation of 1.x bindings for which there is 
# already a 2.x version available (requires remote repo access, see above). (default is false)
#legacy = true

# A comma-separated list of bindings to install (e.g. "binding = sonos,knx,zwave")
binding = exec,gpio1,http1,mqtt

# A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. "ui = basic,paper")
ui = basic,paper,dashboard,restdocs

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "persistence = rrd4j,jpa")
persistence = mapdb

# A comma-separated list of actions to install (e.g. "action = mail,pushover")
#action = 

# A comma-separated list of transformation services to install (e.g. "transformation = map,jsonpath")
transformation = map,regex

# A comma-separated list of voice services to install (e.g. "voice = marytts,freetts")
#voice = 

# A comma-separated list of miscellaneous services to install (e.g. "misc = myopenhab")
misc = openhabcloud,ruleengine

sudo apt install openhab2-addons
sudo reboot
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