Why is it so slow to boot?

My custom installation at home includes all the standard functionality plus ~10 remote units, mostly ESP-based, for RGB lights, fan relays, temp/humi sensors and water pump. All talk MQTT over WiFi. The CPU is usually about 5% with a desktop running on the LCD with spikes to 80% on the LCD presses.
We are preparing the non-habpanel version and the difference is great in responsiveness. We design a plain HTML, JavaScript, CSS UI with MQTT over websockets. Just by using that on the same old chromium, there are no spikes and responsiveness is instant.
Once we get a fully functional UI, we will optimise it further by investigating using another browser, maybe kweb, remove habpanel and other minor tweaks. I personally don’t know the installation you plan on running but if it is not something CPU hungry or doesn’t do a lot of graphics (graphs) you should me more than fine.
Please share your thoughts. I may share a video of the undergoing progress for the LCD :slight_smile: