For what it’s worth, I have wanted to get more precision on temperature on the LCD screen and went as far to attempt to implement it myself.
Other thermostats vary in whether they round to a full degree C, half a degree, or a tenth of a degree. In my opinion, a tenth of a degree is correct, a half degree is tolerable (but weird), and a full degree is a design decision that I do not agree with.
I’ve seen some the round to fifths of a degree, which is extra weird. Still, I find them more enjoyable to use than the more coarse grained information.
I only use °C, so I don’t really care what changes are made to the °F display, if any.
As for humidity, my HVAC system doesn’t control the humidity and so I don’t care about the display of that. In fact, use sensor that is a quarter the price and doesn’t have humidity sensing. Humidity shows up as zero instead of being hidden, but the code for the LCD UI looks like it was auto-generated and so I gave up with that enhancement because I don’t have the original source that I can modify and regenerate it.
As for jrtaylor71’s implementation, I believe that the explicit rounding operation in the script will avoid rounding issues that I ran into on the set point side. I have not tested that (yet).