Hestia Pi Installation Process - Raspberry Pi 3

I’m in the process of installing HestiaPi on a Raspberry Pi 3B running the (current as of Jan 2018 Stretch) Raspbian OS. This thread is intended to eventually document the process (for inclusion into official documentation). My hardware is similar to the HestiaPi Touch, however was purchased ahead of finding this project. I therefore suggest pursuing hardware closer to if not identical to the HestiaPi Touch for simplicity. I expect there’s others out there interested in installing on non-standard hardware. Hopefully its helpful.

My equipment:
Sensors: Adafruit BME280 breakout board and Adafruit SHT31-D
Display: Adafruit PiTFT Plus 320x240 2.8" TFT + Capacitive Touchscreen
Host System: Raspberry Pi 3B
Operating System: Raspbian Stretch

This DIY hardware thread may be helpful to you:

Or also, view the rough installation instructions which I will eventually attempt to provide feedback for:

Stay tuned…

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Hi Strawberry

I’ve been going down this same road for a little while now. OpenHab for some basic automation and wanting a thermostat that wasn’t reliant on someone else’s cloud.

I was unsuccessful in using the self install instructions. Pretty sure it was down to my own noobieness than anything else. But was able to get the image to run after a few tweaks.

First to get the display working I used the bit of code at the bottom of this page:


It worked with the image file operating system, Jessie I think. A lot easier than the official instructions for the TFT’s.

Second, the address for the BME280 needs to be changed in the “scripts” at /home/pi/scripts/. File bme280.py and bmeC.py or bmeF.py have the address as 76 were the Adafruit_BME280’s default address is 77.

Next for me to do is the “things, items, and rules” to make it work with a North American HVAC system.

The form my project is taking, is to stack the Pi, relay board and display on top of each other. The stack will be mounted on a board and the board will mounted to a 2 gang switch box with the stack recessed in the box.

I will be posting the files for my relay board after I have tried them out.

Good luck with your project, I will be following your progress.

I’m glad to hear of your success Odie, the adafruit-pitft-helper2.sh script to get the display working is a good point to mention if others are watching this, it allows you to select any of the supported Adafruit displays (in my case the 2.8" capacitive one). Which could conceivably be used to take the HestiaPi image and change it over to another similar display skipping the route I took to manually get all the files into a base Raspbian install. How do you do that if the display doesn’t work? the Image has SSH turned on I believe.

In January Adafruit went through a fleury of back and forth, with an update to the script at that exact same link:

Recent (Jan 2018) changes that an “apt-get upgrade” makes break the display’s frame buffer copy, in short if you’re using Raspbian Stretch, that script is the cat’s meow unlike the instructions currently on Adafruit’s site.

I’m far from ready for posting the write up but if you get stuck it looks like you’re about as far as I am:

-I performed the manual Hestia installation, skipping steps profusely :wink: the posted instructions are rough but doable filling in the holes. What concerns me about such a process is that my efforts to get off the ground now diverge from HestiaPi proper
-I have temperature/humidity measurement working
-I have MQTT setup to feed my main Openhab server
-I have the PiTFT display working but HDMI no longer works (ah well, I have RDP, I wonder if the resolution is set to match the PiTFT and my TV can’t display it)
-i was intending to implement an additional BME280/SHT31 for redundancy, the framework is already done with how the BME280 is already used I just need to call the script with a different address for the other BME280, or use a different script for the SHT31
-I was going to use the old thermostat for an Emergency-Stop
-I wanted statistics for on/of and long term temperature, I couldn’t find them in the settings files yet (or was intention via MQTT, maybe you’ll cross paths with them as you started with the full image)
-You’re clearly farther along in the enclosure front!

Your need for Things/Items/Rules align with my effort as well, water boiler I think you can ignore, and the heat call would go to the furnace. I have a 7x relay board intending for separate control of heat, fan, AC, HRV, humidifier ie I need 4 outputs. Maybe the things/rules work already for what you need if you ignore the hot water as I think one is to regulate the boiler temperature and the other is to control a water valve to a heat zone?