White Screen display after upgrade@janbonne


After performing an update/upgrade according to the GitHub - jbaans/iothermostat: Independent Open-source Thermostat documentation without encountering any particular error, the iothermostat display shows a completely blank page.

access to the web page is correct and functional

If you touch the screen (blind), actions on temperature, for example, are taken into account.

Have you encountered this problem?

thank you for your advice


I haven’t used the iothermostat image, but I took this opportunity to try it out to see if I could reproduce the issue. After getting the image set up and seeing the boot process start, I went off to get a cup of tea. When I came back, the screen was blank (black). When I touched it, I saw the UI.

So I was not able to reproduce the issue, nor have I seen this issue with the stock HestiaPi image, however I can say that the screen and the touchscreen are independent from one another. I’ve had screens where the touch stopped working but the display still worked fine. It’s entirely possible that the reverse could happen (e.g. if the backlight went out).

To test this, you could try running the HestiaPi image and see if the screen works. If not, it’s likely a hardware issue. The next step would be to get a replacement screen.

For reference, I was testing with this exact image:

d334e3c1b655a555d1edf2ead58eec07b14f53ef6116b6a335c0e8cfbf8ffcfd  rpioslite-iothermostat-211216.img.gz

Side note: while the UI appeared and looked nice, it was very confusing. There was only one set point and I’m not sure whether it was for heating or cooling. The button under it had on/off/auto/boost/sleep and it wasn’t clear if pressing the “on” button would turn the unit on or if you should press the button until it says “on” to turn it on.

thank you for your tests,

Indeed, the functions implemented in “iothermostat” are much simpler than those of hestiapi.

And well adapted to the heating control used in France.
For many years, a heating system only had one temperature sensor per “bi-lame”, and therefore no programming, or any kind of control based on external criteria (humidity, outside temperatures, etc.).
iothermostat allows you to

  • program the desired temperature according to a weekly schedule
  • accelerate heating (boost) for a limited time
  • deactivate heating for 24 hours
  • turn it off

It’s very well suited to the behavior of French people, especially in multi-family housing or older boilers.

Coming back to the problem of the display: it works correctly with the initial image.
It’s only after an update (apt update && apt upgrade) that the problem appears.

The display screen remains blank and white, while the touch control remains active.

from another computer, with an ssh connection ( X activated)

I checked the display tasks

pstree -a

├─login -f
│ └─startx /usr/bin/startx – -nocursor
│ └─xinit /home/iothermostat/.xinitrc – /usr/bin/X :0 -nocursor vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.DYkhzXchMi
│ ├─Xorg :0 -nocursor vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.DYkhzXchMi
│ │ └─9*[{Xorg}]
│ └─sh /home/iothermostat/.xinitrc
│ ├─luakit -u http://localhost/iothermostat/index.php
│ │ ├─WebKitNetworkPr 4 16
│ │ │ └─11*[{WebKitNetworkPr}]
│ │ ├─WebKitWebProces 9 23
│ │ │ └─7*[{WebKitWebProces}]
│ │ └─18*[{luakit}]
│ └─matchbox-window

I rerun the application
“luakit -u http://localhost/iothermostat/index.php”

and so a second correct application appears on the display, the first remaining empty and white ( and impossible to deactivate).

I do’nt know why initial task “luakit -u http://localhost/iothermostat/index.php” is HS

for now I’m going to try the update suggested by jbaans.
I have reinstalled default release from scratch, it’s okay then apply
GitHub - jbaans/iothermostat: Independent Open-source Thermostat [UPGRADING INSTRUCTIONS]

Ah, yes, had I read a little more carefully, I would have noticed the “after upgrade” part (which is in the title! :person_facepalming: Oops).

I tried upgrading with apt update && apt upgrade and can confirm that I got the same blank screen problem. So yeah, it’s not just you.

I didn’t try to debug it further or try the additional instructions from the README, but at least you know you’re not crazy. I always appreciate it when other people attempt to reproduce issues I’m having, so I wanted to make sure I returned the favor. :slightly_smiling_face:

If the instructions you linked to don’t work, I’d be happy to help play along. I saw you already have a ticket open on the iothermostat project too. Hopefully someone there will respond and be able to explain why this happens and whether people should expect this problem every time they do an upgrade or if it is something that will only happen once in a long while.

thanks you for your test,

merry Christmas and happy New Year